World Day for Health and Safety at Work 2021 - Webinar Inequalities in the working population of Latin America and the Caribbean: Perspectives to improve health and well-being


April 30, 2021 - World Day for Health and Safety at Work 2021 - Webinar "Inequalities in the working population of Latin America and the Caribbean: Perspectives to improve health and well-being" organized by the Pan American Health Organization PAHO.

The Conference "Inequalities in the working population of Latin America and the Caribbean: Prospects for improving health and well-being" organized by the Pan American Health Organization PAHO will have the participation of Michael Silva Peñaherrera Ing. MSc. PhD postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Research in Occupational Health (CiSAL) University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) and member of ECoTES Network as invited speaker to this seminar:

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